Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference 
08  12 April 2024 | Copenhagen, Denmark 



Webex link: https://esait.webex.com/esait/j.php?MTID=mba49c36ca6ce8c0a27a9bd93a784d18f

Password: Swarm10Years                                                     Meeting number: 2378 258 5457

Please note that the event is not hybrid, therefore spectators will not receive the full conference experience. 

The abstract book can be downloaded here.


11:0011:30Coffee Break
Session 1 : Core dynamics (1)
Chairs: Hannah F Rogers / Kyle Gwirtz
14:0014:15The role of the Swarm mission in advancing our understanding of Earth’s core dynamics
Julien Aubert
14:1514:30Core field evolution from a decade of observations by the Swarm satellites
Chris Finlay
14:3014:45Radial shear in the core surface flow from Swarm data
Domenique Jault
14:4515:00Reconstruction of 3-D Core Flow from Geomagnetic Satellite Data
Yufeng Lin
15:0015:15Geomagnetic Virtual Observatories: 10 years of Swarm, 25 years of GVO
Will Brown
15:1515:30Detecting Waves in Core Surface Flow Acceleration Derived from 26 Years of Secular Variation
Carla Grüne
15:3016:00Coffee Break
Session 1 : Core dynamics (2)
Chairs: Naomi Shakespeare-Rees / Clemens Kloss
16:0016:15Magneto-Coriolis waves in Earth's core
Nicolas Gillet
16:1516:30Inter-annual Magneto-Coriolis waves in the Earth's core
Felix Gerick
16:3016:45Characterisation of hydromagnetic waves propagating over a steady, non-axisymmetric background magnetic field
Olivier Barrois
16:4517:00A Swarm of jerks: Using the spatial gradient tensor for core-surface flow modelling
Frederik Dahl Madsen
17:0017:15Progress on CSES/Swarm geomagnetic field modeling
Yanyan Yang
17:1517:30Not Swarm - a reassessment of possibilities with a lower quality mission
Richard Holme
18:0020:30Icebreaker at the Planetarium


Session 2: Solid Earth and Oceans
Chairs: India Uppal / Jakub Velímský
9:009:15The extended Dedicated Lithospheric field model (xDLFI) and its interpretation in terms of global magnetic crustal thickness
Erwan Thebault
9:159:30The role of magnetic fields as measured by Swarm as fingerprints of processes in the terrestrial lithosphere
Mike Purucker
9:309:45From the mantle into space: unique synergy of the Swarm and USArray for 3-D mantle induction imaging and Space Weather hazard modeling
Federico Munch
9:4510:00A geomagnetic field model incorporating Earth's mantle conductivity
Hongbo Yao
10:0010:15Retrieval of tidal magnetic signals from satellite data: recent progress and the road ahead
Alexander Grayver
10:1510:30Estimating tidal transports from geomagnetic satellite observations
Aaron Hornschild
10:3010:45A decade-long record of temporal gravity observed by the Swarm satellites
Joao Encarnacao
10:4511:00Coffee Break
Session 3: Thermosphere-Ionosphere
Chairs: Elisabetta Iorfida / Guram Kervalishvili  
11:0011:15Assessment of GPS-based accelerometry performance with adaptive filter settings
Jose van den Ijssel
11:1511:30Monitoring Ionospheric Gradients using Swarm onboard GPS and Langmuir-probe data
Juan Andrés Cahuasquí
11:3011:45Modelling the variability of the topside ionosphere: Coupling with the neutral atmosphere
Alan Wood
11:4512:00Effective ion mass from electron density reconstruction based on LEO GNSS observations and ion density from Swarm Langmuir probes
Lucas Schreiter
12:0012:15Calibration of Swarm Ion Density, Drift, and Effective Mass Measurements
Johnathan Burchill
12:1512:30Lunar tide in the equatorial electrojet
Yusuke Yamazaki
12:3014:00Lunch Break
Session 4: Ionosphere-Magnetosphere 
Chairs: Daria Kotova / Matt Taylor
14:0014:15Short-term regional ionosphere imaging at mid- and high-latitudes: A four-dimensional ensemble-based variational approach
Nicholas Ssessanga
14:1514:30Multi-scale magnetospheric and ground currents from Swarm, Cluster and MMS
Malcolm Dunlop
14:3014:45Energy transport in the magnetosphere–ionosphere system by Cluster and Swarm observations
Octav Marghitu
14:4515:00Impact of Solar Flares on Upper Atmosphere: Swarm and TIMED/SABER satellites observations (withdrawn)
Tikemani Bag
15:0015:15Total square-Root Electron Content (TREC): Sounding the Ionosphere with ELF Whistlers Detected by the Swarm Mission
Martin Jenner
15:1515:30Swarm-VIP-Dynamic: variability, irregularities, and predictive capabilities for the dynamic ionosphere based on the Swarm measurements
Wojciech Miloch
15:3016:00Coffee Break
16:0018:30Poster Session #1


Past, Present and Future - History of Swarm
Chairs: Andy Jackson / Michael Purucker
9:009:15WelcomeHenri Laur
9:159:30A swarm is bornNils Olsen
9:309:45How swarm became SwarmRoger Haagmans
9:4510:00Contributing factors to the success of SwarmAlbert Zaglauer
10:0010:15Swarm & CNES - a long historyMioara Mandea
10:1511:00Coffee Break
11:0011:15Lessons learnt from (near) ten years of dual-mode operation of the Swarm ASM instruments
Gauthier Hulot
11:1511:30Swarm, the "ultimate" magnetic mapping mission
John Leif Jørgensen 
11:3011:45Canada's involvement in Swarm and TII
David Knudsen
11:4512:00Jewelry in space: the Swarm Langmuir probes
Stephan Buchert
12:0012:15Gravity and thermosphere
Pieter Visser
12:3014:00Lunch Break
Swarm and Beyond
Chairs: Claudia Stolle / Pieter Visser
14:0014:15EISCAT 3D
Thomas Ulich
14:1514:30Ground magnetometers for space science
Anna Willer
14:3014:45SMILE new imaging magnetospheric mission and collaboration with Swarm
Philippe Escoubet 
14:4515:00NASA’s Geospace Dynamics Constellation—Providing the first Systematic Measurements of Global Magnetospheric Energy Inputs and Ionosphere-Thermosphere Responses
Jeff Thayer
Theodoros Sarris
15:1515:45Coffee Break
15:4516:00All Sky Imagers
Eric Donovan
16:0016:15Swarm and Beyond
Nils Olsen
16:1516:30About MSS-1 and plans for MSS-2 
Keke Zhang
16:3016:45NanoMagSat, an ESA Scout LEO nanosatellite constellation to investigate Earth’s magnetic field and ionospheric environment
Gauthier Hulot
16:4517:00Swarm, past, current, future…
Anja Strømme
17:0017:15Swarm within the ESA EO Science
Rune Floberghagen
Organised ferry (to K13 Afkrog) departs from pick-up point
19:0020:00Social Dinner at K13 Afkrog - Welcome Drinks
20:0022:30Social Dinner at K13 Afkrog


Session 5: Swarm-science-synergy missions 
Chairs: Yanyan Yang / Patrick Alken
9:009:15A Decade with Swarm-Echo: Past Discoveries, Present Status, and Future Directions
Andrew Howarth
9:159:30The current status of the CSES mission and the main scientific progress
Zeren Zhima
9:309:45LAI Coupling observation and research-from CSES, CSES/Swarm cooperation to IMCP (withdrawn)
Xuhui Shen
9:4510:00MSS-1 data processing and initial model based on Swarm data
Yi Jiang
10:0010:15Physics-informed Neural Networks for the Improvement of Platform Magnetometer Measurements
Kevin Styp-Rekowski
10:1510:30MagQuest Challenge Update
Jarret Baldwin
10:3011:00Coffee Break
11:0012:30Poster Session #2
12:3014:00Lunch Break
14:0018:00Public Talks and Events, in Solbjerg Square and Frederiksberg Library
LEGO activities on Solbjerg Square
16:0016:45Panel debate on Solbjerg Square (Claudia Stolle, Chris Finlay, Klaus Nielsen, and Tina Ibsen as moderator)
16:4518:00Sound of Earth's Magnetic Field played on the subterranean speaker systems on Solbjerg Square
18:00-------Doors to Frederiksberg Library open
18:3019:30RumSnak LIVE podcast (Hosts: Tina Ibsen, Anders Høeg Nissen; Guests: Anja Strømme, Nils Olsen, Sussi Bech and Ingo Milton) in Frederiksberg Library (in Danish)
19:3020:00Mingling and mini exhibition in Frederiksberg Library (in Danish)


Session 6: Active geospace & space weather
Chairs: Ewa Slominska / Jeff Thayer
9:009:15Advances in research of equatorial plasma depletions enabled by the Swarm missions
Claudia Stolle
9:159:30Developing a Regional Swarm FAST Data Hazard Variation IndexLauren Orr
9:309:45Space Weather Monitoring by Swarm Magnetic Field Observations: The SFAC Index
Adrian Blagau
9:4510:00Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-Derived Storm and Substorm Activity Indices Using Information
Constantinos Papadimitriou
10:0010:15A model to estimate the L-band amplitude scintillation index from Swarm faceplate electron density
Rayan Imam
10:1510:30The Space Weather Timeline Viewer: Interactive exploration of Swarm observations with other datasets and models
Eelco Doornbos
10:3011:00Coffee Break
Session 7: Dynamic geospace, climatological models and space weather
Chairs: Audrey Schillings / George Balasis
11:0011:15Beyond steady state: Solving the induction equation in the ionosphere
Karl Laundal
11:1511:30Nightside Magnetospheric models from a decade of SWARM measurements
Natalia Gomez Perez
11:3011:45Multi-Scale Ionospheric Poynting Fluxes Using Ground and Space-Based Observations
Daniel Billett
11:4512:00Modeling toroidal currents in the ionospheric electrojet regions
Patrick Alken
12:0012:15Enhanced Swarm-Based Climatological Models of the Non-Polar Geomagnetic Daily Variations
Arnaud Chulliat
12:1512:30Swarm derived climatological model of low- and mid- latitude F-region ionospheric currents
Martin Fillion
End of Conference